PITX to Naga City Bus Schedules
Please find below the daily departure times for Naga City. Schedule times are subject to slight change but should stay at that frequency.
Departure | Operator | Origin | Destination | Gate |
1:00 AM | RAYMOND | PITX | NAGA CITY | 5 |
5:00 PM | RAYMOND | PITX | NAGA CITY | 2 |
7:00 PM | RAYMOND | PITX | NAGA CITY | 4 |
8:15 PM | DLTB.CO | PITX | NAGA CITY | 4 |
8:30 PM | RAYMOND | PITX | NAGA CITY | 4 |
PITX to Naga City Fares
Origin | Destination | Class | Price |
PITX | Naga City | Regular AC | ₱1000+ |
PITX to Naga City Travel Time
PITX to Naga City by bus takes at least 8 hours and 12 minutes depending on the traffic conditions. The distance between the PITX Terminal and Naga City is 377 km. The map below shows you which is the fastest route to get to Naga City. Click on the map to get the directions on Google Maps.
Operators serving PITX To Naga City
PITX Schedules to Naga City Today
Please enter the date of travel to find real-time bus schedules to Naga City. Please note, that the schedules using this tool will only show you schedules of online bookable buses.