Tricycle Ads

Step into the energetic advertising scene of Manila, Philippines, where Tricycle ads steal the spotlight in captivating audiences and amplifying brand visibility. Picture this: colorful tricycles weaving through bustling streets, adorned with eye-catching advertisements that demand attention. This unique advertising medium offers unparalleled exposure, effortlessly reaching diverse demographics in every corner of the city. Whether you’re a seasoned brand or a budding startup, leveraging Tricycle ads guarantees your message cuts through the noise, leaving a lasting impression on Manila’s dynamic urban landscape.

Tricycle Advertising types

Tricycle Ads’ approximate rates in Manila

Kindly request a Quotation to receive the latest prices. Prices may vary depending on the season, availability market, and your needs. The rates are not binding and only approximative.

Ad Type1 month3 months
Barner Drop
30 Units
30 Units
E-Trike Ads
50 Units
*Prices are indicated per month and tricycle unit

Tricycle Routes

E-Trike Ads are available only within SM MOA to Baclaran and SM MOA to Buendia routes.

Request a free quotation

Effectiveness of Tricycle Ads in Manila

The effectiveness of Tricycle ads in Manila is undeniable, serving as a dynamic and omnipresent medium for brand exposure. Here’s why they’re so impactful:

  1. High Visibility: Tricycles navigate densely populated areas, ensuring ads are seen by a wide audience throughout Manila’s bustling streets, residential neighborhoods, and commercial districts.
  2. Targeted Reach: Tricycle routes often traverse specific communities and market areas, allowing advertisers to target their desired demographics effectively. Whether it’s reaching locals in residential areas or shoppers in bustling markets, Tricycle ads offer precise targeting.
  3. Cost-Effective: Compared to traditional billboard or TV advertising, Tricycle ads typically come at a lower cost, making them an attractive option for businesses with limited advertising budgets, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
  4. Mobile Exposure: Tricycles are constantly on the move, providing continuous exposure to commuters, pedestrians, and motorists alike. This mobility ensures that ads reach a wide and diverse audience throughout the day.
  5. Local Charm: Tricycles are an integral part of Manila’s cultural landscape, imbuing ads with a sense of authenticity and local charm. This can foster stronger connections with audiences, leading to increased brand loyalty and engagement.
  6. Memorable Impact: The novelty of seeing ads on tricycles, coupled with their vibrant and eye-catching designs, makes them memorable to viewers. This enhances brand recall and reinforces messaging long after the initial exposure.

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